Brunch event with the One Supper Club



Towards the end of 2017, the Spring Oven teamed up with the One Supper Club and to run a community brunch themed around bread baking. Henry and Libby (One Supper Club) have great experience of running themed dining experiences and preparing excellent gourmet food in various, fun and relaxed environments. 

We were in need of some high quality photography for the Spring Oven but we wanted to do something a bit different to a regular styled photoshoot. From a meeting with Antonia Mckenzie (a great stylist based in Brighton, check her stuff out here) to bounce some ideas around we came up with an interesting plan to run a ticketed brunch, themed around bread based recipes. This in turn would provide a great community setting for and event/product photoshoot. 


One Supper Club got to work with organising event format and we secured a renovated double garage in Brighton, perfect for a sunny Saturday morning brunch. Antonia set the stage for the event and arranged all of the interior styling ready for Emma (our very talented photographer, check out her work here ), to photography the event. 


We lucked out with a perfect Saturday morning, and our guests all mingled outside in the morning sun with prosecco before taking their seats at the tables. Henry and Libby served an array of delicately prepared recipes with bread we baked in the Spring Oven earlier that morning. Each guest left with a gift bag that included a pot of sourdough starter, so they can start baking their own sourdough at home. 

We photographed during and after the event to capture the relaxed atmosphere and appreciation of the art of baking as well as all the product photo's we needed of the Spring Oven. 



Food and Event : One Supper Club

Styling: Antonia Mckenzie

Photography: Emma Croman

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